Brooklyn, 2020 is the first episode of the first season of Grand Army, and the first episode overall. The episode released on October 16, 2020 on Netflix.
A bombing blocks away sends Grand Army High School into lockdown, building pressure that spills over at the "party of the century" that night..
In the locker room at school, Joey goes to check on her friend, Grace who is upset in the toilets. She’s in a lot of pain and Joey pulls something out of her vagina. Grace then pulls a condom out and they both laugh. Joey suggests she may be pregnant and she starts to get nervous and freak out.
Leila presents in class about the Chinese dynasty. A couple of Chinese girls in the class speak to her in Mandarin and insult her. She doesn’t speak the language so she doesn’t understand what they’re saying.
Jay is out with his best friend Owen celebrating their music auditions. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices a man nearby who seems to be anxious but he brushes it off and carries on walking with his friend. They then head into the school and suddenly, they hear a large explosion. A mandatory emergency lockdown is initiated. Students are in shock. They are not allowed to leave the premises. Jay tells Dominique and Sonia that he is sure he saw the bomber and wants to make a bet on it.
When Sid walks down the hallway to see if his sister is okay, he sees Leila sobbing and he speaks to her. She talks about how she used to be stronger. He sits with her and talks. Leila gets upset that Joey Del Marco threw a condom at her for no reason today. Sid empathizes with her.
During the lockdown, a teacher tells Joey to cover her legs and questions why she’s always showing her body. Reluctantly Joey puts on Tim’s sweatshirt to cover up. After, Tim shows Joey that she’s been named as Bomb Pussy on the Grand Army Instagram page. Leila is also on the Instagram page and is named a Jap Pussy. Leila is happy because she feels wanted.
Dom is told by her friend that John Ellis has not been seen since he ditched the premises after the bomb. The news has confirmed the dead and the injured. On the PA, the school has been granted evacuation.
At home, Leila asks her parents why she wasn’t sent into Hebrew school — she brings up that Chinese girls at school don’t treat her like she’s Chinese. Leila then asks if she can go to the party as it will be “healing” for her after the day’s events.
After dance class, Joey and her friends talk about whether John Ellis is dead. Before the party, they see Leila come to the party and laugh. The party is in full swing with promiscuous teenagers, drinking, and sex. Sid is in one of the bedrooms and his girlfriend Flora asks if they’ll ever have sex. Sid talks about how he is downbeat that the bomber was Muslim because he looks like them and leaves the room.
Joey gets restless at the party and leaves with Tim. Luke seems bothered by how close they both are and gives a rallying speech at the party. Anna tells him to get down. Grace throws a drink over Leila and she reacts which throws Luke off the banister. He’s okay, just breaks his leg.
Tim and Joey run to the subway and hold on to the back of a sub as it moves — they clearly want a thrill. Joey seems emotional about it all but happy to be by Tim’s side. They both scream as they enter the tunnels.
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