George Wright is one of the main characters in Netflix's Grand Army. He is portrayed by Anthony Ippolito.
Throughout the Series[]
Season 1[]
George is a student at Grand Army high school. He is best friends with Luke and Tim and often hangs out with Joey and Tim's sister, Anna. The five of them often goof around. George is also on the swim team at school and considered one of the more popular kids. He has hooked up with a number of girls at school and sets his eyes on Leila, after she made the "bomb pussy list".
One night, after drinking at the movies, George got into a cab with Luke, Joey, and Tim. He was joking around with Joey and Luke and things went too far. He forcibly held down Joey and fingered her, leaving bruises on her legs. To him, it was just "goofing around" and he didn't believe he did anything wrong.
Later on, Joey accused him and Luke of raping her, so Luke and George got arrested at school in front of everyone. They went to jail and claimed that they were innocent and that it was consensual. In the end, there wasn’t enough evidence to convict them so they were let go.
At the end of the season, Joey confronts them and asks them to at least admit their wrongdoing. Neither one of them do, leaving Joey upset.
Physical Appearance[]
George has dark brown, wavy hair.
George is a rapist. He loves to take advantage of women and doesn't have much regard for their feelings, particularly in the case with Joey, who he raped, and Leila. He is also a massive racist. If you like him, I question your brain.
- Leila Kwan Zimmer - Hook Up
- Grace - Hook Up
- Season One
- Brooklyn, 2020
- See Me
- Relationship Goals
- Safety On
- Valentine's Day
- Superman This S**t
- Spirit Day
- Freedom