Luke Friedman is one of the main characters in Netflix's Grand Army. He is portrayed by Brian Altemus.
Throughout the Series[]
Season 1[]
One night, after drinking at the movies, Luke got into a cab with Geo, Joey, and Tim. He was messing around with Joey and Geo and things got aggressive. He forcibly pinned down Joey and, to the point that he left hand-prints and bruises on her, and fingered her so hard she bled. To him, it was just "goofing around" and he didn't believe he did anything wrong, as Joey had been kissing him before.
Later on, Joey accused him and Geo of raping her, so Luke and Geo got arrested at school in front of everyone. They went to jail and claimed that they were innocent and that it was consensual, that Joey had started it. In the end, there weren't enough charges to convict them so they were let go.
At the end of the season, Joey confronts them and asks them to at least admit their wrongdoing. Neither one of them do, leaving Joey upset, and being called out by Tim after she’s gone.
Physical Appearance[]
Luke is very tall with a strong physique. He has short blonde hair. Most people find him very attractive, as he is the hottest guy in the series.
at first was nice, then was revealed to be a piece of shit, rapist, annoying dickhead, douche
- Season One
- Brooklyn, 2020
- See Me
- Relationship Goals
- Safety On
- Valentine's Day
- Superman This S**t
- Spirit Day
- Freedom