Grand Army Wiki

Tim Delaney is one of the main characters in Netflix's Grand Army. He is portrayed by Thelonius Serrell-Freed.



Tim grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He is close with his sister, Anna Delaney.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Tim often hangs out with his two best friends, George and Luke, along with his sister and her best friend, Joey Del Marco. Even though Joey is "off limits", Tim seems to have real feelings for her. They often sit together and flirt or even kiss from time to time. Tim wants it to be something more, but Joey seems to push back, especially after Tim's sister Anna told her not to make any moves.

One night, Tim went to the movies with Joey, George, and Luke, and Joey was pushing him away. Tim seemed confused why she didn't want to sit next to him or anything but Joey wanted to make a point that she wasn't his and that she could do whatever she wanted. The group took a taxi ride, while drunk, and Tim witnessed his friends forcibly finger Joey. He sat there in stunned silence, horrified but also doing nothing.

After Joey accused his friends of rape, Tim just told the police it was "Joey being Joey" and he didn't come to her defence. However, the guilt seems to eat at him as towards the end of the season when Joey sends Tim, Luke, George and Anna a text to meet up. Once they do Joey begs them to realise what they did to her, Tim stands there looking guilty but refrains from admitting the truth. When Joey leaves he finally breaks, telling his friends that what Joey said DID happen and they know it. His sister, Anna is left in shock.

Tim’s guilt grows and he seems to spiral, snorting a line of cocaine before texting Joey asking to talk at the end of Season 1.

Physical Appearance[]

Tim has dark wavy hair and often wears jeans and hoodies.


Tim is a quiet, laid back guy, who likes to joke around and have fun. He is flirtatious and gets along with most people. Tim is also coward and is an accessory in the rape.



Season One


